Risätra Bystuga, Vasaloppet accommodation, Lima

Address: Risätra 87, 78064 Lima
Location: Sälen
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Guest score: 100% 3 of 3 recommend (0 reviews)
Directions: Risätra Bystuga – Address: Risätra 87
Located near road 66 with a bus stop in direct connection.
Check in: 17:00-21:00. Please notify the landlord of your estimated time of arrival if you prefer to arrive outside the check-in times - preferable one week in advance. Contact person: Mo Per Persson, phone +46  (0)70-5553823.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 60.8803885
Longitude: 13.4015077
Latitude: 60° 52' 49"
Longitude: 13° 24' 5"

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