Augustas B&B och Karlsviks Herrgård

Address: Skolgatan 10, 79531 Rättvik
Location: Rättvik
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Guest score: 60% 3 of 5 recommend (2 reviews)

Quick Stop | Augusta's B&B with rooms, cottages and cottage apartments in and around Rättvik.
Karlsviks Herrgård is located on the R70 at the entrance to southern Rättvik. 100 meters to the center. There are also pitches and a camping cabin here.

Augustas B&B with 6 cottages/cottage apartments, campsites and a camping cottages in and around Rättvik.
Self catering or B&B.
Karlsviks Herrgård is located on the R70 at the entrance to southern Rättvik. 100 meters to the center.
Karlsviks Herrgård is open during the summer (June - mid-August) with a restaurant and café.
24 campsites on gravel and grass areas.
Shower in the basement, WC indoors during opening hours.


Guest score: 60%

(3 of 5 recommends this accommodation to a friend)
Overall opinion 3.4 of 5
Standard of the hotel/room 3.4 of 5
Facilities (kitchen, shower etc) 3.4 of 5
Cleaning 3.4 of 5
Value for money 3.2 of 5
Service 4 of 5
Breakfast 3.5 of 5

Facilities and services

Pets not allowed Pets allowed Bedlinen for rent Wifi
Eat & Drink on site
Breakfast Restaurant

Contact information

Street address 1
Skolgatan 10
City (address)
79531 Rättvik
Contact person email

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